
A\u00a0.com business name that says: "we're creative and inventive"<\/h2>\n

This brilliant name blends\u00a0the words 'creative' and\u00a0'inventive' to create a distinctive, contemporary business name that adopts the style of an adjective. Because the word elements are familiar and clear, and combined comfortably, it's natural and clearly pronounced - and is therefore memorable. This is a\u00a0.com business name full of qualities that makes it highly brandable: it's smart and distinctive;\u00a0direct and confident; and it tells a clear story.<\/p>\n


An amazing .com name with creativity at its core<\/h2>\n

The two words that make up this brilliant .com name - Creative and Axis - describe an online community of creatives, a business hub for creative workers, a dynamic creative agency \u2026or indeed any organisation that\u2019s at the centre of creativity. Despite the name\u2019s straightforward structure and clarity of messaging, it\u2019s distinctive, highly contemporary and - with the no-compromise Creativaxis.com domain name - provides firm foundations for building a valuable brand.<\/p>\n


A\u00a0.com business name\u00a0for Creative People<\/h2>\n

This brilliantly simple .com brand name is a perfect blend of the words 'creative' and 'people'. It tells the world "we're creative people" and it does so in a contemporary style, and with a smile. This would be a perfect match for any business that combines creativity, or a creative approach, with a friendly, human style. This amazing business name has all the qualities of an effective brand name - it's simple and direct, memorable and distinctive, and it's full of character. And, of course, it also has the essential, exact-match Creatiple.com domain.<\/p>\n


A creative name\u00a0for a creative business<\/h2>\n

Some names need little by way of explanation - even though they're invented. Creativous is a great example. It's clearly\u00a0all about creativity. And it looks and sounds like a real word - but it isn't. And, because it takes the form of many familiar adjectives (think\u00a0'marvellous', 'famous', 'joyous', and so on), it seems to be describing a particularly noteworthy level of creativity: "That's really creativous!" In branding terms, it's a perfect combination of the distinctive and the meaningful\u00a0...made even more powerful by the must-have Creativous.com domain name. This is clearly an amazing opportunity for a brand-aware creative business.<\/p>\n


A stylish .com brand name for the creative sectors ...with the potential to become iconic<\/h2>\n

Artiqon could be a great name for a company looking to establish itself as a leader in the creative industries, from artists and galleries and their service providers, through to artisan making and craftworkers. The name can be seen as a creative re-interpretation of 'Art-icon', and of course 'icons' in all their various forms are synonymous with art. The distinctive use of the letter 'Q' delivers stand-out appeal, and adds a contemporary\/tech edge to the name. The final, essential component is the no-compromise Artiqon.com domain, which adds brandability and value to a truly outstanding business name concept.\u00a0<\/p>\n


A big\u00a0name for a business that's serious about thinking

This eye-catching .com business name blends\u00a0the words\u00a0'Think' and 'Corporation' into a new word that says: "We're the Thinking Corporation". It's a bold, confident way to tell the world that the business behind the name is all about knowledge\u00a0and ideas.\u00a0It suggests expertise, insight, experience and innovation. This is a great\u00a0branding opportunity for an aspirational business that thinks big.<\/p>\n


A powerful .com brand name with a creative twist

The word 'symbol' is\u00a0closely associated with branding itself. A\u00a0business\u00a0name and logo, if chosen wisely,\u00a0symbolises and represents the essence\u00a0of a company. So to take this very word and turn it into a brand is a bold step, made possible by the double-Y feature: it's this that makes\u00a0the name ownable, protectable ...and brandable. Crucially, this distinctive element also conveys a sense\u00a0of creativity and individuality. Without it, the name would just be\u00a0a dictionary word - ineffective as brand name - and one\u00a0that would require a compromised domain name. And that's the real beauty of\u00a0this name; the availability of the perfect, exact-match Syymbol.com domain, which transforms a subtly clever name into a wonderful branding opportunity.<\/p>\n


Form and function in one highly creative name<\/h2>\n

The name Architectique\u00a0effortlessly blends the word 'architect' with 'technique' (or possibly\u00a0'unique') to create a brilliant brand name with prestige and sophistication. It strikes the perfect balance between the technical and the stylish.<\/p>\n


Ecogency:\u00a0clarity and logic\u00a0in the world of sustainability\u00a0<\/h2>\n

By taking the word\u00a0'cogency' (the quality of being logical, and providing clarity) and adding the initial letter 'E', a clever and compelling\u00a0new idea is formed. 'Ecogency' is a\u00a0brilliant .com name which provides the opportunity to introduce a new word into the\u00a0green,\u00a0sustainability and renewables\u00a0sectors. And with the the exact-match Ecogency.com domain, there's an opportunity to 'own' it too. It's a uniquely\u00a0creative branding opportunity for this\u00a0dynamic and important\u00a0industry.\u00a0<\/p>\n


Form and function in one highly creative name<\/h2>\n

The suffix -ica is added to words to signify\u00a0things that relate to a place, or to a specific\u00a0theme (so the name of the typeface Helvetica relates to Helvetia, or Switzerland). So although it is an invented word, Architectica is a natural sounding, inherently logical and stylish\u00a0name for a business in the architecture sector, or to businesses working with data or systems architecture.<\/p>\n


A creative .com business name with a commercial edge<\/h2>\n

This clever, newly-coined name is inspired by the adverb\u00a0'inventively',\u00a0which means "in a way that shows that you can think of new and interesting ideas".\u00a0Ventively\u00a0is therefore a name that could\u00a0become synonymous with innovation, creativity and fresh thinking. But it does even more than that; the 'Vent-' prefix adds a reference to 'venture', which in turn suggests business enterprise and\u00a0the spirit of adventure. The must-have Ventively.com domain is the final piece of the jigsaw, delivering\u00a0credibility and authority\u00a0to this brilliant\u00a0branding opportunity.\u00a0<\/p>\n


A smart realty name that really means business<\/h2>\n

Realtiven is an invented name that is clearly focused on real estate\u00a0and realty. The -ven ending could suggest 'venture' or even 'vendor', so it's name with very clear intent that will resonate with a company in property investment\u00a0and\u00a0development, as well as those in the\u00a0estate agency or\u00a0realty marketing sectors. For a business that's serious about property, this name will be hard to beat.<\/p>\n


A distinctive contemporary name that really means business<\/h2>\n

On one level, this is simply a great-sounding, contemporary business name that\u2019s clearly rooted in technology. It\u2019s easy to say and spell, and it has crisp and dynamic phonetics. But even though it is an invented word, it also conveys clear references: its Tec- start gives it a cutting-edge focus; and its Latin-style -ignis ending suggest ignition - the creative spark, or to new beginnings. This is a great brand name that could get a tech business off to a fantastic start.<\/p>\n


A\u00a0contemporary name with one\u00a0eye on the past<\/h2>\n

This is a\u00a0lovely name with a straightforward reference to looking to the styles of the past. By\u00a0joining the words 'retro' (now a byword for creative, stylish design)\u00a0and\u00a0vis (as in vision), the result is an entirely new, yet entirely natural-sounding brand name.\u00a0<\/p>\n


A dynamic medical-focused business name<\/h2>\n

This smart business name is created by blending the \u2018Med\u2019 prefix (primarily linked with the medical and pharmaceutical sectors), and the essence of the word \u2018active\u2019. The creative use of the letter \u2018x\u2019 adds a distinctive twist, and gives the name a contemporary tech edge, and the adjective style makes it engaging. And all of this adds up to a smart and highly effective .com brand name.<\/p>\n


A powerfully engaging brand name<\/h2>\n

Although an invented word, Idenitive can be taken as\u00a0both a noun and an adjective, making this a flexible and engaging name. This intelligent brand name\u00a0refers to identity or identification, making it\u00a0relevant to the creative sectors, security businesses, science industries, or retail.<\/p>\n


WeAreArty.com \u2013 a\u00a0creative domain name for a creative\u00a0organisation

This is a fantastic brand name which\u00a0makes its intentions crystal clear: it's telling the world that "we're\u00a0a collective\u00a0dedicated to\u00a0the arts\u00a0and\u00a0creativity". The construction of the name is by definition open, friendly, inclusive - and therefore provides instant brand engagement.\u00a0The perfect, exact-match\u00a0WeAreArty.com domain adds authority and 'ownability' into the mix, and helps to turn\u00a0this bright, positive name into a wonderful branding opportunity.\u00a0<\/p>\n


A contemporary brand name that's modern and inventive<\/h2>\n

This smart, contemporary business name is created by blending two word concepts: 'modern' and 'inventive'. The 'Mode-' element suggests words like 'modern' and 'mode' so evoke a sense of creativity and style; while the '-entive' ending is familiar from the word 'inventive' so adds a sense of innovation and originality.\u00a0Of course 'modern' doesn't just mean 'up to date' or 'fashionable' - it's often used to describe the Modernist movement; encompassing architecture, design and the creative arts, and dating from\u00a0the 1930s. This reference to design heritage is balanced by the\u00a0contemporary adjective style of the\u00a0name. This makes Modentive a distinctive and creative brand name with a foot in both the present and the past.\u00a0<\/p>\n


A dynamic, property-focused .com business name\u00a0

Realtivation is a distinctive brand name that's focused on the world of realty, property development and real estate. But it's also a name that has real sense of energy: this is because the '-ivation' ending comes from words like 'motivation', 'activation' and 'innovation'. (The name also happens to be a small\u00a0change from the word 'reactivation'.) However you look at it, this is a fantastic name for a dynamic, forward-thinking business that's looking to develop a standout brand.<\/p>\n


A creative, technical name ...with a splash of color

The 'Chrom-' or 'Chroma-' prefix in this highly distinctive\u00a0name suggests 'color' in its many forms; from the creative and expressive, to the scientific and technical. You'll find it in\u00a0familiar words like chromatic, chromatography and chromium. Chromaxia has a crisp, contemporary feel that would suit a business focussed on technology and innovation. The no-compromise Chromaxia.com domain adds even more brandability to this outstanding business name.\u00a0<\/p>\n


A creative\u00a0name that gets better the more you look at it<\/h2>\n

Ceptua is\u00a0taken from the words 'conceptua<\/strong>l' or\u00a0'perceptua<\/strong>l'. And the fact that this reference\u00a0is\u00a0hidden in words that are all about ideas, images and perception is what makes the name so brilliant. This is an effortlessly-smart, intelligent 6-letter brand name - and a byword for creativity and vision.<\/p>\n


A contemporary\u00a0brand name that\u00a0says: always inventive<\/h2>\n

This name is derived by blending the words: 'ever' and 'inventive'. The result is a distinctive, contemporary name which manages to convey a sense of the original words. The message comes across clearly - this is all about being continuously inventive. It's a name that will resonate with a focus on creative\u00a0thinking and new ideas.\u00a0<\/p>\n


An inventive and positive .com business name<\/h2>\n

This name is subtly clever. By adding an additional letter 'i' into the word 'inventive', a powerful word is converted into a\u00a0smart and distinctive\u00a0business name. The sense of the original word - inventive - comes through strongly, so this name will appeal to creative businesses and those that are focused on innovative thinking. The re-spelling gives the name the word-ending familiar from\u00a0adjectives like 'positive' and 'definitive' - which adds an extra layer of meaning.<\/p>\n


A\u00a0creative .com name with a direct\u00a0message<\/h2>\n

Proteqta is a distinctive and creative re-spelling of the word 'protector', which naturally makes it a great fit for an organisation\u00a0in the security, protection or insurance sectors. The unusual spelling, as well as giving the name a contemporary edge,\u00a0elevates a seemingly simple idea into a valuable branding opportunity.


A super-smart, super-sharp brand name<\/h2>\n

This is a distinctive and creative take\u00a0on the word yesterday, giving\u00a0it a wonderfully positive spin. This engaging name does more than swap a letter in a familiar word -\u00a0the Z introduces the word 'zest' into the mix, delivering a\u00a0real 'joie de vivre' and evocative meaning. These are potent qualities for building a brand.<\/p>\n


A smart, creative name\u00a0that sets a\u00a0prestigious\u00a0tone

This invented name is a creative reinterpretation of\u00a0the word 'superior'.\u00a0As well as conveying confidence, this reference also suggests high quality delivery, and premium levels of service.\u00a0The distinctive use of the letter Z makes the name really stand out, and gives it a smart, contemporary feel. And finally the exact-match, must-have Zuperian.com domain adds even more gravitas to this superb\u00a0branding opportunity. \u00a0<\/p>\n


An engaging, cutting-edge brand name\u00a0<\/h2>\n

The name Digitley is a creative re-spelling of 'digitally', so naturally the\u00a0associations are with\u00a0communications, media, data, storage and, more broadly, with contemporary technology. The distinctive spelling makes it approachable and engaging, and elevates this simple idea to high level brand potential.\u00a0\u00a0<\/p>\n


A sport-focused .com name with energy, dynamism ...and the X-factor<\/h2>\n

Sportaxive is a creative interpretation of the phrase 'Sport Active', so the message is clearly about conveying the positive\u00a0dynamism of sport, and the benefits of keeping active and staying fit. The use of the letter X makes the name stand out, gives it an unmistakably contemporary feel and makes it easier to protect as a brand name. And finally, the must-have, exact-match Sportaxive.com domain adds brandability to this brilliant name. As brand names go, this one is a real winner.\u00a0<\/p>\n


A smart,\u00a0contemporary .com brand name\u00a0<\/h2>\n

Starting with the 'Neo-' prefix tells everyone this name is all about the new, creative innovation, and looking forwards. And the other half of the name is based on\u00a0'infinitive' (describing a\u00a0verb, or an action), which in turn\u00a0suggests 'infinity' (endless, forever) and 'definitive' (absolute, the very best).\u00a0All of this gives Neofinitive a smart and very contemporary feel and, because it's an invented name with no specific definition, is completely open to interpretation. These are all great\u00a0qualities for building a successful brand.<\/p>\n


A highly distinctive 6-letter .com name that's hard to\u00a0categorize

Qurial is an invented and highly creative brand name with real impact and contemporary style. Like many highly effective brand names, it has no dictionary definition and is\u00a0totally open to interpretation. However, the name is\u00a0inspired by and echoes the word 'mercurial' - which, given that\u00a0mercurial\u00a0describes something\u00a0excitable, changeable and impulsive, immediately gives the name an elusive, dynamic, and mysterious quality. Short, distinctive .com domains like this are increasingly hard to find, and this is what makes Qurial.com such an exciting brand-building opportunity.\u00a0<\/p>\n


A creative\u00a0and\u00a0confident\u00a0.com brand name<\/h2>\n

This fantastic name is like a proclamation - We are creative! We are clever! We are inventive! It would be a great choice for a business that's confident in its abilities to deliver, and has an in-built sense of community and teamwork. Of course the word 'artful' could be taken more literally as a reference to the world of art and creativity, or more broadly to skill, cunning, or craftiness! So the name contains a dash of wit too. In branding terms, it's a real winner.<\/p>\n


A dynamic name that leaves a lasting impression<\/h2>\n

The name Impaxive is a creative interpretation of\u00a0the word 'impactive', which means 'having a strong influence' or 'making an impression'. So if a business is\u00a0looking for a dynamic brand name that communicates confidence and clarity of purpose, this will be very hard to beat.\u00a0<\/p>\n


A classic, confident .com brand name with a dash of attitude<\/h2>\n

Queenley is a fabulous name that could be read either as a reference to royalty and all of the history and heritage that goes with it ...or as a bold, sassy name with real attitude. It follows the form of a traditional place name or\u00a0family name, but - as it is a re-spelling of the word 'queenly' - it also sounds like an adjective (perhaps, \u2018to behave in a queenley manner\u2019!). All of this makes Queenley a creative, distinctive business name that\u2019s anything you want it to be.<\/p>\n


A smart, creative - and powerful - brand name<\/h2>\n

This is an incredibly powerful, natural and distinctive name with huge potential. It's clearly a subtle and distinctive re-spelling of radial (objects positioned\u00a0around a central axis, or items arranged like rays, as in light rays), so its pronunciation is obvious. The use of the ae combination (known as a digraph or ligature) is familiar in Latin and ancient Greek words, and in science, so it exudes sophistication and intelligence, too. This short name has an inherent sense of geometric precision, but also radiates a degree of\u00a0creativity. It's quite simply a brilliant and unique brand name.<\/p>\n


An inventive and positive .com business name<\/h2>\n

This name is subtly clever. By adding an additional letter 'i' into the word 'inventive', a powerful word is converted into a\u00a0smart and distinctive\u00a0business name. The sense of the original word - inventive - comes through strongly, so this name will appeal to creative businesses and those that are focused on innovative thinking. The re-spelling gives the name the word-ending familiar from\u00a0adjectives like 'positive' and 'definitive' - which adds an extra layer of meaning.<\/p>\n


A playful and engaging .com brand name<\/h2>\n

WeAreYoYo.com is a brilliantly creative domain name that would\u00a0form the basis of a wonderful\u00a0business brand.\u00a0The name says "We are Yoyo". Of course, this could be a bold statement of the facts, for a business that uses the Yoyo name; but it could also be a light-hearted way of using 'yoyo' as an adjective ...as in 'we are dynamic'. It's a name that\u00a0conveys a playful attitude and asks not to be taken too seriously, but could also suggest a\u00a0business that's\u00a0ever-changing and never stands still. Either way, this is a contemporary name - with an exact-match .com domain - \u00a0that simply demands to be noticed.\u00a0<\/p>\n
